Our Mission
Our mission is to nurture the whole child with educational excellence by honoring each teacher’s unique gifts for the fulfillment of the students’ individual aspirations.
![Staff member wins award and is pictured with her students](https://cdn.firespring.com/images/d5dad43e-9002-47d8-9069-9ba139cb1757.jpeg)
Our mission is to nurture the whole child with educational excellence by honoring each teacher’s unique gifts for the fulfillment of the students’ individual aspirations.
Black History Month is a time to remember, celebrate and commemorate the achievements and contributions by African-American men and women throughout U.S. history.
It’s true: with a lack of Vitamin D and little time spent outdoors, the winter months can literally make you sad. Luckily, we have some ways to combat seasonal depression.
Thank you to our sponsors!
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